Ape hal la dengan tajuk kat atas 2?HAHA.Actually there are something that is happening to my during the last few week.And now aku rase terpanggil tuk share kan this thing dengan public especially dengan Cik LULA.So,what is happening.
Macam ni.
Aku since a few weeks ago,are getting closer with this guy *p/s:nothing went serious between us,and he is someone punye BF!
This thing started when aku mule call him just to ask him hang out with me at Subang Jaya.YUP!He do came to met me twice.But,after that hang-out-thing he started to texting and calling me.He started to do that more often.This thing berlarutan*cehhh,ayat!* until la aku balek ke Perak.Everything went so ok,until my mom started to realised about this.She said that it is not appropriate to be mesra with someone punye boyfriend,as he was my roomies punye boyfriend.EMM,actually there are a few of my friend that already said that I have to stop ''flirting'' with him.My mom had warned me to avoiding him and stopped be friend with him.And sebagai anak yg baik,I do follow her words.This thing had made that guy wondering and questioning himself about my silentness.
Well,to be honest,there are some other drama that ''circulate'' this incident,but,don't like feel wanna share it for this moment.But for this moment I would like to share some of the little conversation between me and him.*Thats why this entry get its tittle.
P/S:conversation ini tidak ade kena mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang sebalik ye.
GUY:HEY.Wuts up?Can I ask you sumthing?Wuts going on right now?Why
you juz silent and you like want to stay away from me.You dont
even give me a text.Can I ask you why?Why I'm the one who try to
find the answer?Why dont you just tell why.If you have sumthing
to say,you juz let me noe.If I'm the one who make you a problem.
Then I wont disturbing you!I dont want to be a disturbing person
and annoying guy to you.If u still dont give me the answer,dis
will be my last msg to u.Go on wif ur life and be urself.Always
be carefull.Study for ur future n u'll find sumone that can love
and take good care of u.Assalamualaikum.
ME:I dont gave any text to him.I just jawab salam dye dlm hati
.............ngntuk la..sambung nnt la............
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