Ok.Its time for me to sambung the ''dramaholic'' conversation yang tergendala a few days ago.BUT!I don't understand,why pic kat sebelah ni tetibe je muncul by no reason and tak ada kena mengena pon ngan post ni.Hairan I.Anyway,bagi je la kat that girl with spectacles tu peluang tuk to be on air kat belogsepot ni.
p/s:this conversation happen after berbalas-balas status at FB and continue with a little less chatting at FB chat room.Then it continue with this conversation.ENJOY!And aku juga telah menghighlightkan words yang aku rase very VOGUE!haha
GUY:Its ok. up 2 u. i have been waiting for a week farah. a week. juz like dat. avoid, silent ur self. ok fine. thanks again 4 ur asnwr dat i have been waiting. u juz do wut u want to do. n avoid me from ur self. i wont disturb u anymore. u no need 2 say sorry or give me a reason dat u have promise wit sum1 or wutever even i dun noe who. thanks again. nice 2 noe n FRIEND wit u FARAH.
ME:wow...is that all??the best u can say???now u r blaming all this to me...yup,sume ye salah i..yg u tau juz waiting for my answer..just that!..u noe what?i really dont want our frenship*if u anggap i ni kwn u la..*to be ended up like this..and everyday..i've been thinking what to say to u..not to give excuse..i really nk bgtau tau u the whole thing..but im afraid to do so..i dont noe why...
GUY:im not blaming on u farah. if u dun want our frenship end like dis. wut? frenship? u noe wut d really meaning of frenship? fren wont let her/his fren wait 4 d answr or wait 4 sumthng. if u say so dat u dun want to end like dis. then. tell me? wut? wut farah?? u afraid? afraid of wut farah? u afraid wit ur self? wit who u promise? u dunt afraid wit ALLAH? thnk rasional farah. u 18. not 8. u can make ur own choice. believe wit ur self. how could u do dis to me farah???
OK.Actually after his message above,I didn't gave him any reply,coz I m really2 sleepy.But then he kept waiting for my reply until he felt fed up and call me.Mula2 memang aku tak nak angkat his call.Tapi aku berani kan diri yang tak berapa nak berani ni *ceh,mentang2 la everyone dh tido* and answered him.I talk to him and tell him almost everything.Well,he quite upset and I think he is crying!!!!Entah la.Rase ye la.But maybe he is really sad of what had happened.He say he had waited for the whole week waiting for my explaination of silentness.Finally,we settle that thing *eventhough aku bagitau him yang aku tak tau what will happen after this.
nice to know your blog :)
ReplyDeletehye...thanks! [: