YUP.I guess I deserved it.
I've been busy.Really,really buzy.*perghh---->what a lame excuse!
No time to update and also for the last 7 month,I have no time to open up this belog!
BTW,guest what?Aku dah berjaya habiskan part Satu dgn jaya ye*jaya la sgt*..tak sangka dah abis part satu (sem 1).On January nanti aku dah masuk part dua plak.YEY!Ade junior part one.Tapi,dye orang sebaya ngn aku la.PERGHH!BTW,A lot has happened time aku kat UiTM sepanjang the whole 6 months kat sana.I've learned a lot about the thing that before this I don't even know about QUANTITATIVE SCIENCE.Its not as easy as it sounds*eventhough sometimes people find it quite difficult to pronouns it*Well, actually tak ada satu pon course yg senang.Semua ye ade up and down.Don't ever dream to get a course that you can just duduk and goyang kaki je tau.Memang tak ada!
But,I've made a lot of mistake during my learning process kat sana.Tak bersungguh-sungguh,malas,banyak main,bla..bla..you name it!Tula,serve you right FASHA.Tu yang rase regret sikit.HMMM..I'll work harder when I'm in part two nanti.INSYAALLAH.
Memang plan bile dah end of semester nak snap picture banyak2,but,cam tal sempat je.Tp,ade la gak a few.Yang ade pon gambar family day,dinner and a few yg time kat kolej.
Last but not least,part one do gave me a lot of something to learn,think and do better next time.
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