1//Aku as a budak lepasan SPM.Baru nak kenal dunia.Jadi bermula lah ke-busy-an aku menanam anggur.
2//Dalam busy menanam segala macam jenis anggur,aku sempat make friend with Mr.FACEBOOK atau dalam bahasa malaya,En.MUKABUKU.Dia ni sangatlah famous amous.Ramai penduduk dunia nak make friend dengan dia.
3//Dalam dok waiting for the anggur,aku sempat la jugak menubuhkan YAYASAN AMAL KEBAJIKAN yang diberi nama PINKpondok.Yayasan ini bertekad untuk menjual karya handmade truly from the heart of Cik Paranoid Freak.
4//Miss Paranoid Freak telah felt so damn boring menanam anggur lalu bertekad tuk bekerja dengan seorang selebriti berjiwa besar di kedai sebesar JET dan telah mula dengan image HIJAB STYLE COVER.
5//Get the chance to sambung study kat UiTM,Perak.
6//Get to met new and some old friends.Plus aku dah ada new crush.
7//Gagahkan diri untuk belajar nombor-nombor.And final pon was not so good.But,keep on and add on the really hard work to strive for a better result next sem.
9//MAYSAAp/s:that is not even half of my journey during the year 2010.It just part of it.Btw,alhamdulilah,2010 is quite a good year to me--->get to go new place,met new friend,happiness vs sadness,ups and down,very busy vs not so busy,cousin get married,love,family,crushes,flirting aka scandals,and etc...and I'll pray all better thing will come our way in 2011.Amin.Selamat tahun baru 2011.
*BERITA HANGAT ni..dah famous!WOW..
*cehh...bajet lawa la muka tu bila tengah wondering..perghh!AKU JUST TERTANYA-TANYA WHAT IF?
MALAYSIAN TEAM TAK MENANG?----->ish..sial ye mulut kau ni...sorry2
Ada ke sesiapa yang akan post kat FACEBOOK atau TWITTER,
''Malaysia,I loveeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuu!''
Adakah kita semua akan ada spirit nak follow match bola sepak Malaysia yang lain if Malaysia kalah?
Adakah kita akan bangga jadi anak Malaysia?
Adakah kita akan marah jika rakyat Malaysia memantulkan sinaran Ultraman kepada pasukan negara lain?
Adakah kita akan memuji PERSATUAN BOLA SEPAK NEGARA ataupun kita akan memaki hamun diaorang sebab kalah?
Adakah kita akan jadi fan pemain sukan negara kat FACEBOOK walaupun pemain tu sememang ye bagus?
Adakah kita memang tak give any damn to Malaysian Game as all we wanted was only the PUBLIC HOLIDAY?
Adakah kita akan menjadi kaki bola yang setia bertahan selama lebih dari seminggu?
tahniah MALAYSIA !!!!!!!!
Keep on the super good job.Biar terus sampai WORLD CUP!
p/s:ini langsung tak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang sebaliknya.Sekadar ingin melepaskan rasa curiousity aku.

Wow!Malaysia menang la lol.Finally.The Suzuki AFF CUP milik kita!
p/s:nak SUZUKI SWIFT kaler kuning satu plus sekali dengan SAFEE SALI,the Malaysian Striker.HEHEHEHE
Frankly,this is my first time ever watching bola and rase sangat2 la syok gila sampai tak ingat dunia.Add on the screaming,woo-ing,saying the football terms *yang selama ni tak penah sebut pon*.YUP.That is so damn true.Aku sepanjang game tu cukup khusyuk *tak penah sekhusyuk ni* sampai begitu focus pada game tu *cehh.
Well,nak kata yang aku ni tak minat bola,minat la gak,FUTSAL pon maen pe *bajet bagus!*.But,before this aku penah la admit kat more than a person yang aku ni tak reti langsung camne nak tengok bola.Tapi,since aku started to watch a few Suzuki Cup Match espeacially yang included Malaysian' team,barulah aku tau sikit2 the right way to watch football.Eventhough,i have to admit that aku maybe prefer to watch if there are a few hot guys at the game!Ape la minah ni,TEROK!hahaha,but that is so true.
Tonight,aku rasa sangat la bangga kerana the whole Malaysia player have done a super damn good job in order to give victory to us.Dengan berbekalkan kemenangan 3-0 di Bukit Jalil,they all telah berjaya mengharungi detik 90 minit dengan jaya ye di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno,Indonesia *perghh,name stadium pon scary tul*yang turut mencemaskan semua orang including me yang amat la kecut perut tadi.Berkalung-kalung tahniah kepada team Malaysia.And aku ingin mengucapkan ucapan tahniah yang lebih sket to INCIK K.RAJAGOPAL,ABE SAFEE SALI *cehh,dh panggil abe*,MR.TAKESHI aka KHAIRUL FAHMI (cik elia pinjam name bf ek) and sape2 la yang nak ucapan terlebih ni.Lupe plak,thanks to ULTRAMAN yang kat atas tu,kerna telah membantu HARIMAU MALAYA MENGAUM DI ASIA TENGGARA SEMULA!
p/s:aku ade tak,macam pengulas sukan??hihihihi
SAYA SAYANG MALAYSIA----->statement maut x?
I get the chance to watch the famous HANTU KAK LIMAH went back home AND THE GANG!
Ce citer.
Nak citer le ni.
So,since aku dengar org duk heboh about this story yg dikatakan lebih famous dari Dr.Rozmey,jadi aku pon telah memasang langsir angan2 nak pi tgk citer ni.Then,aku pon together with the other rombongan pegi la menyerang pawagam yg berdekatan.
So,overall,this story telah success membuat kan aku gelak sampe tak ingat dunia.Memang funny la citer ni yang mostly mengunakan LOGHAT ORG PERAK lol!Aku pon berasa amat lah bangge jadi anak perak *cehh,poyo!
This story is about KAK LIMAH (nama sebenar kot) yg telah disangka sebagai hantu!Jadi orang KAMPUNG PISANG pon memikiokan cara2 nak selesaikan hal KAK LIMAH yg telah menakut kan the entire villager.Macam-macam ade la..yang dye org dah buat.One of the cast in this film is Awie,Delimawati and many more.
So,to sape2 yang tak tengok lagi,ape lagi,moh le ke pawagam ek!!
nerd with style.perhaps
P/S:I have confession.
And weirdos.And misfits.Show me a muscle-bound male model,and I will turn my head towards a bespectacled,skinny,and socially awkward boy instead.I'd take Clark Kent over Superman any day.
I tend to pine for boys who have the shy charm of Weezer's River Coumo *dont ask me that*,the wit of Woody Allen,and the looks of Seth from the O.C (who,with his love of comic books,won me over far more than bad boy,Ryan).I prefer interesting conversation of geekers issues than the cool popular spoil brat issues.
I'm not all alone in my love beta males because I have my own love geek.
p/s:mesti korang pelik bin ajaib apasal la aku merepek ni.Aku DAN SEBENARNYA xtau ape yang aku merepek kan tu.HAHAHA.Actually,this thing adalah coretan yang aku tulis dlm Diary setahun yg lalu iaitu bertarikh 24th december 2009.So,aku pon tengah dok syok belek2 diary 2,were very interested with that LOVE GEEK yg kat dlm my diary 2.
Ok.Its time for me to sambung the ''dramaholic'' conversation yang tergendala a few days ago.BUT!I don't understand,why pic kat sebelah ni tetibe je muncul by no reason and tak ada kena mengena pon ngan post ni.Hairan I.Anyway,bagi je la kat that girl with spectacles tu peluang tuk to be on air kat belogsepot ni.
p/s:this conversation happen after berbalas-balas status at FB and continue with a little less chatting at FB chat room.Then it continue with this conversation.ENJOY!And aku juga telah menghighlightkan words yang aku rase very VOGUE!haha
GUY:Its ok. up 2 u. i have been waiting for a week farah. a week. juz like dat. avoid, silent ur self. ok fine. thanks again 4 ur asnwr dat i have been waiting. u juz do wut u want to do. n avoid me from ur self. i wont disturb u anymore. u no need 2 say sorry or give me a reason dat u have promise wit sum1 or wutever even i dun noe who. thanks again. nice 2 noe n FRIEND wit u FARAH.
ME:wow...is that all??the best u can say???now u r blaming all this to me...yup,sume ye salah i..yg u tau juz waiting for my answer..just that!..u noe what?i really dont want our frenship*if u anggap i ni kwn u la..*to be ended up like this..and everyday..i've been thinking what to say to u..not to give excuse..i really nk bgtau tau u the whole thing..but im afraid to do so..i dont noe why...
GUY:im not blaming on u farah. if u dun want our frenship end like dis. wut? frenship? u noe wut d really meaning of frenship? fren wont let her/his fren wait 4 d answr or wait 4 sumthng. if u say so dat u dun want to end like dis. then. tell me? wut? wut farah?? u afraid? afraid of wut farah? u afraid wit ur self? wit who u promise? u dunt afraid wit ALLAH? thnk rasional farah. u 18. not 8. u can make ur own choice. believe wit ur self. how could u do dis to me farah???
OK.Actually after his message above,I didn't gave him any reply,coz I m really2 sleepy.But then he kept waiting for my reply until he felt fed up and call me.Mula2 memang aku tak nak angkat his call.Tapi aku berani kan diri yang tak berapa nak berani ni *ceh,mentang2 la everyone dh tido* and answered him.I talk to him and tell him almost everything.Well,he quite upset and I think he is crying!!!!Entah la.Rase ye la.But maybe he is really sad of what had happened.He say he had waited for the whole week waiting for my explaination of silentness.Finally,we settle that thing *eventhough aku bagitau him yang aku tak tau what will happen after this.

Ape hal la dengan tajuk kat atas 2?HAHA.Actually there are something that is happening to my during the last few week.And now aku rase terpanggil tuk share kan this thing dengan public especially dengan Cik LULA.So,what is happening.
Macam ni.
Aku since a few weeks ago,are getting closer with this guy *p/s:nothing went serious between us,and he is someone punye BF!
This thing started when aku mule call him just to ask him hang out with me at Subang Jaya.YUP!He do came to met me twice.But,after that hang-out-thing he started to texting and calling me.He started to do that more often.This thing berlarutan*cehhh,ayat!* until la aku balek ke Perak.Everything went so ok,until my mom started to realised about this.She said that it is not appropriate to be mesra with someone punye boyfriend,as he was my roomies punye boyfriend.EMM,actually there are a few of my friend that already said that I have to stop ''flirting'' with him.My mom had warned me to avoiding him and stopped be friend with him.And sebagai anak yg baik,I do follow her words.This thing had made that guy wondering and questioning himself about my silentness.
Well,to be honest,there are some other drama that ''circulate'' this incident,but,don't like feel wanna share it for this moment.But for this moment I would like to share some of the little conversation between me and him.*Thats why this entry get its tittle.
P/S:conversation ini tidak ade kena mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang sebalik ye.
GUY:HEY.Wuts up?Can I ask you sumthing?Wuts going on right now?Why
you juz silent and you like want to stay away from me.You dont
even give me a text.Can I ask you why?Why I'm the one who try to
find the answer?Why dont you just tell why.If you have sumthing
to say,you juz let me noe.If I'm the one who make you a problem.
Then I wont disturbing you!I dont want to be a disturbing person
and annoying guy to you.If u still dont give me the answer,dis
will be my last msg to u.Go on wif ur life and be urself.Always
be carefull.Study for ur future n u'll find sumone that can love
and take good care of u.Assalamualaikum.
ME:I dont gave any text to him.I just jawab salam dye dlm hati
.............ngntuk la..sambung nnt la............
*time dikir barat
*fooling around at the sri iskandar town
*PERSIK family day
*Adila's 18th birthday
*My dinner night!YUP.I guess I deserved it.
I've been busy.Really,really buzy.*perghh---->what a lame excuse!
No time to update and also for the last 7 month,I have no time to open up this belog!
BTW,guest what?Aku dah berjaya habiskan part Satu dgn jaya ye*jaya la sgt*..tak sangka dah abis part satu (sem 1).On January nanti aku dah masuk part dua plak.YEY!Ade junior part one.Tapi,dye orang sebaya ngn aku la.PERGHH!BTW,A lot has happened time aku kat UiTM sepanjang the whole 6 months kat sana.I've learned a lot about the thing that before this I don't even know about QUANTITATIVE SCIENCE.Its not as easy as it sounds*eventhough sometimes people find it quite difficult to pronouns it*Well, actually tak ada satu pon course yg senang.Semua ye ade up and down.Don't ever dream to get a course that you can just duduk and goyang kaki je tau.Memang tak ada!
But,I've made a lot of mistake during my learning process kat sana.Tak bersungguh-sungguh,malas,banyak main,bla..bla..you name it!Tula,serve you right FASHA.Tu yang rase regret sikit.HMMM..I'll work harder when I'm in part two nanti.INSYAALLAH.
Memang plan bile dah end of semester nak snap picture banyak2,but,cam tal sempat je.Tp,ade la gak a few.Yang ade pon gambar family day,dinner and a few yg time kat kolej.
Last but not least,part one do gave me a lot of something to learn,think and do better next time.