Haven't been drawing for a long time, but was reminded when little, if I had nothing better to do, all I need was pencil and paper to keep me entertained. Well, actually, that's a flip on a pages of my diary. The L.O.V.E ISSUES, my favorite.
In addition, I've done some thinking and looking back on my life. After a few rapid internal issue of myself, now, I'm trying to focus on something really new in my life. I will be back to UITM soon. But, instead of coping with my study, I think I haven't done things that I really enjoy doing things that slightly different from my normal things. I wanna do things out of my reach, and actually really have fun while I'm at it.
1// Spend more time with my family and friends.
2// Devoting myself to ALLAH SWT, be a better muslimah, and recite the ALQURAN as much as I can.
3// Catch on my reading habits. Increase my vocab especially in English. More book-hunting . . yey!!
4// Try on rollerblading, cycling, jogging, and everything -ing -ing -ing. =P
5// Be engrossed with my studies. NAK DEAN LIST!!
6// Saving for traveling . . go places, explore new thing.
7// Beli camera . . maybe POLAROID??
8// Belajar menjahit . . A COTTON CASE!!
9// Continue on my art stuff . . tote bag. journals . . and . .
10// Learn new languages . . Japanese, French, . . .
11// Learn picture editing . . Install photoshop . .
12// Cook new thing . . baking!!!
13// Pegi gym?? Get fit vs KURUS!!
14// Reconstructing my wardrobe.. I need new styles . hehe
15// what more?????
Till then,
i love ur header.style.follow me back oke :)