Sunday, May 23, 2010

Date:May,21,2010 Venue:pondokpink Mood:Kuala Lumpur best pal..Mr. Fluffy had die..yay,its true!!!and until now i still don't know what really happen to Mr. on the earlier night before Mr. F luffy die..i (as ussual) go to my bed and online...and on that day i already do my routine to cleaned up Mr. Fluffy ''home''..there where a lot of speculation regarding Mr. Fluffy dead.. IbuCakap:maybe Fluffy had a fight with the Encik ibu saw Fluffy neck had injury(maybe)..and maybe Encik Cicak had bite Fluffy!! BahCakap:maybe Fluffy had drank a little bit of the soap water..what!!??ya..i had to admit that i use soap to washed Fluffy punye tank.. entahla...what ever je la..RIP Mr. Fluffy... u think i should get a replacement??

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